Page 2 - Athelstan Argus - July 2022
P. 2

primary  schools,  school

          improvement  work  and
          themes such as Attendance,
          EDI,  SEND,  transition,

          recruitment  and  retention.
          Support staff discussed core

          values  in  relation  to  their
          roles and how to work more

          closely  with  colleagues  in
          similar  roles  at  different


          Thank  you  to  the  staff  who

          drove minibuses, the Heads who helped at drinks
          stations,  the  theme  leaders,  the  catering  staff  and
          everyone who attended for their enthusiastic contributions. We are also

          grateful to all the external colleagues who facilitated sessions.

          After significant disruption over the last couple of years, it was great to
          have everyone together in one place, especially because our colleagues

          at  SWR  and  Chipping  Sodbury  School  have  not  been  involved  in  the
          previous  Athelstan  Trust  days.  Looking  forward,  we  hope  to  grow  our
          family of schools to include primary settings so it was a great privilege to

          have  some  primary  colleagues  in  attendance  and  contributing  to  the

                                                                     We  are  already  thinking  about  the  Trust
                                                                     Days for next year (Monday 7 November

                                                                     2022  and  Friday  30  June  2023).  The
                                                                     June  date  is  additional  to  standard  TD
                                                                     days so although the school is closed to

                                                                     students,  this  is  a  normal  working  day.
                                                                     Please put these dates in your diary now

                                                                     as we would love to see you there.

                                                                         “The choice of CPD presentations
                                                                               and workshops on offer

                                                                            throughout the day was very
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